Txangurro rice

Txangurro rice

Like Spanish and Korean flavours? Crab meat, kimchi and homemade tomato sofrito make this elevated rice dish a stunning main for two
  • Preparation:
  • Cooking:
  • Total:
  • Serves: 2 persons



  1. Step 1

    To make the tomato sofrito, put the oil in a pan over a medium heat and, once hot, cook the onion and garlic until translucent. Make some space in the pan, add the paprika and cook it for a few seconds. Stir it into the mixture. Repeat the same process with the saffron. Let it cook for 1 min then stir it through. Add the tomatoes, mix well, and cook until the tomato juice evaporates and the mixture has the consistency of a thick paste. Strain the sofrito and keep the oil in a separate container.
  2. Step 2

    Bring the stock to a simmer in a pan before cooking the rice. Put a large paella pan (or similar shaped frying pan) over high heat. Heat the sofrito oil, then add the sofrito and fry for 45 seconds. Pour in the stock, bring to boil and cook over a high heat for 5 mins.
  3. Step 3

    Add the rice to the pan and spread it out, lower the heat and cook for 10-15 mins or until the stock has evaporated, then season. Before serving, the final step is to make the socarrat – the crispy layer of caramelised rice on the base of the pan. Bring the temperature up to the highest heat and cook for 3 mins. Check if the rice has soaked up all the stock and let the paella rest for a couple of minutes.
  4. Step 4

    Mixing the crab meat together with the eggs, olive oil, pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt, spoon into the crab shell and warm the lot in a low oven for a few mins. . Put the crab shell (or meat) onto the centre of the rice and spoon over the kimchi butter, and add some parsley, if you like. arrosqd.com