Recipe Tip: Pasta Sauce: Ragú alla Bolognese - Falstaff

Recipe Tip: Pasta Sauce: Ragú alla Bolognese - Falstaff

Top Recipe by Julian Kutos. All ingredients and tips for getting it right. This classic is an ideal dish to cook in a large batch: eat some now and stash more away in the freezer for a quick weeknight dinner.



    1. Step 1

      In a large casserole, fry finely chopped celery, carrots, onion, parsley and chopped garlic cloves in oil and butter without browning too much. Season sightly with salt.
    2. Step 2

      In a separate pan, heat olive oil and fry finely chopped bacon with thyme until lightly browned. Then add the minced meat and fry until lightly browned. Season with salt.
    3. Step 3

      Deglaze with red wine and allow the wine to evaporate. Add the meat and bacon to the vegetables.
    4. Step 4

      Add the tomato passata, bay leaves, sugar and salt, stir well and bring to the boil once. Season to taste and add salt as required.
    5. Step 5

      Simmer the sauce, covered and on low heat, for 90 minutes, it should only bubble slightly. Then finish cooking the sauce uncovered until excess liquid evaporates.
    6. Step 6

      Finally, heat the milk in a saucepan and stir into the sauce. Remove bay leaves and thyme sprigs. Season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar as needed.
    7. Step 7

      Salmon Trout with Chard, Chanterelle Ragout and Pappardelle Max Natmessnig, chef at the Rote Wand Schualhus in Lech, central Austria, is known for his innovative dishes. In the Falstaff cookbook he shares his recipe for salmon trout with chanterelles and homemade pasta. Fish
    8. Step 8

      Ham and Pasta Gratin This recipe is essentially the same as the one that appeared in Louise Seleskowitz's legendary 'Viennese Cookbook' from 1879. Pasta
    9. Step 9

      Lasagne with Radicchio, Chestnut Cream and Bacon Lasagne can be much more than a vehicle for the pasta sauce from the day before. Here we layer radicchio, chestnuts and bacon to create a sweet-bitter-salty version of the classic. Pasta
    10. Step 10

      Pasta: Fettucine with Tiger Prawns A quick pasta dish that tastes like the sea. Pasta
    11. Step 11

      Chicken Pasta with Burrata & Italian Sausage The pasta dish is particularly aromatic thanks to both the spicy Italian sausage and the smoked cheese. Poultry