Red salad with a punchy dressing

Red salad with a punchy dressing

This punchy red salad pairs perfectly with fondue as the sharp taste counters the richness of the cheese. Red leaves also have a pleasant bitter flavour
  • Preparation:
  • Total:
  • Serves: 4 persons



  1. Step 1

    Finely slice the red onion and soak it in cold water for 30 mins. Drain, squeeze and add to the juice of a lemon.
  2. Step 2

    Break up two small heads of red leaf lettuce or radicchio into a bowl, tearing the leaves into manageable pieces.
  3. Step 3

    Add the juice of an orange to the lemon and onion, followed by some olive oil, dijon mustard and plenty of seasoning. Taste as you add until you have a dressing you like.
  4. Step 4

    Snip in half a bunch of chives, keeping the pieces as short as possible. Dress the leaves with the onion dressing.