Lobster Salad With Green Beans, Tomatoes and Basil

Lobster Salad With Green Beans, Tomatoes and Basil

This summery salad makes a fine celebratory lunch or cold supper and makes great use of seasonal vegetables. Everything is dressed with a bright basil vinaigrette. A dab of aioli on the side is a welcome option, too. The hardest part here is steaming the lobsters, but don’t worry. It’s easy — and economical — to do it yourself. Still, if the idea doesn’t appeal, many fishmongers sell steamed lobsters for an additional fee. Or you can buy prepared lobster meat, though that’s a bit more expensive. If you decide to do that, you’ll need at least one-third pound per person.
  • Total:
  • Serves: 4 persons



  1. Step 1

    In a large pot or in batches, so as not to crowd them, steam or boil the lobsters in seawater or heavily salted water. Add the bay leaf, peppercorns and allspice berries, if you wish. Depending on their size, cook the lobsters for 13 to 15 minutes. (Ask your fishmonger for recommended cooking time.) Let lobsters cool to room temperature on rimmed baking sheets.
  2. Step 2

    Using lobster crackers, kitchen shears or a mallet, crack shells and remove meat. Place the claw meat and knuckle meat in a container. Slice tail meat 1/2-inch thick and add to the container. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. Step 3

    Make the vinaigrette: Add garlic, mustard, vinegar, olive oil, parsley and basil leaves to a blender jar or food processor. Whiz until slightly thickened. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Step 4

    Put cherry tomatoes in a small bowl, season with salt and pepper and add 3 tablespoons vinaigrette. Toss to combine. To another small bowl, add green beans and 3 tablespoons vinaigrette. Toss to combine.
  5. Step 5

    Arrange lobster meat in the center of a platter or divide among individual plates. Surround with tomato slices, and season lightly with salt and pepper. Spoon cherry tomatoes over the tomato slices. Scatter green beans artfully. Tuck eggs and potatoes here and there (or serve potatoes separately). Finish with arugula or salad leaves.
  6. Step 6

    Drizzle remaining vinaigrette over everything. Garnish with the prettiest basil leaves. Serve aioli on the side, if using.