Yellow Beet Salad With Mustard Seed Dressing

Yellow Beet Salad With Mustard Seed Dressing

If you are beet-phobic because you fear the inevitable crimson stains, try golden yellow beets instead. Yellow beets, nearing orange on the color spectrum, are slightly milder than red ones. They make a beautiful assertive salad, dressed with horseradish, mustard and mustard seeds.
  • Total:
  • Serves: 4 persons



  1. Step 1

    Heat oven to 375 degrees. Put scrubbed beets in a small roasting pan with an inch of water in the bottom. Cover tightly and bake until beets are tender when probed with a paring knife or skewer, about 1 hour. Alternatively, cook beets on the stovetop in simmering salted water for about 30 minutes.
  2. Step 2

    Meanwhile, make the vinaigrette: Put shallot, lemon juice, rice vinegar, mustard and horseradish in a small bowl. Add good pinch of salt and pepper and stir to incorporate. Whisk in 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  3. Step 3

    Heat a very small skillet with 1 tablespoon oil. When oil is hot, add mustard seeds and nigella seeds. They will begin to pop after about 1 minute. Carefully scrape popped seeds and oil into the vinaigrette. Taste and adjust seasoning.
  4. Step 4

    Let beets cool slightly, then use fingers or a kitchen towel to rub skin off beets. Slice beets crosswise into 1/4-inch rounds and place in a wide salad bowl.
  5. Step 5

    Sprinkle beet slices lightly with salt, then gently toss with the dressing. Grate a little more horseradish over the top. Serve at room temperature.